Some people have posted Dares for NaNo-ers to try and use in their story. Something to help make things fun and challenge yourself. Let's be honest the story writing can get a bit despairing half way through and these should help keep things going.
There is a blog that has ton of these posted. Writing Dares I went through a bunch of them October 31st and the early morning of November 1st just to see what I could come up with.
I found a few I think I'd like to incorporate with my story this year. They are as follows.
1.) Clothing
- Every time a certain character is described, describe everything they're wearing in exquisite detail. Even if it's just jeans and a T-shirt.
+ If other characters do this when talking about that character
++ If what the character is wearing changes every few pages, even if they haven't had any time to change
+++ If they occasionally wear outfits that make absolutely no sense (i.e. "he was wearing a very pungent scent of lemon over twelve metric tons of the color blue, with an overcoat entirely composed of week-old pomegranates")
2.) Bubble Gum
- Have a character obsessed with blowing bubbles with bubble gum.
+ If your MC is constantly annoyed with this habit.
++ If the character saves the day with a bubble.
+++ If the character never blows the bubbles in his/her mouth.
3.) Shades of Grey
- Include a character who only wears shades of beige and grey in ALL of their clothing (no blue jeans!)
+ if they're the most excitable, impetuous person in the story.
++ if they're the main character
+++ if they're the villain
+++ + if the beigeness is relevant to the plot
4.) Mispronunciation
- Have a character who accidentally mispronounces words (badly or as if they have an accent when they don't. or maybe they even combine two words on accident)
- Have a character who says things backwards accidentally. (ex. 'Your cool is so shirt.' instead of 'your shirt is so cool')
+ if other characters make fun of them for it.
++ if they begin to go along and/or accidentally start to do the same thing
+++ if they soon begin to call it a disease caused by your character.
Each one of the pluses is worth extra points. The great part is that you get to figure out your own rewards for each one! At least that is my plan...
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