Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 2

New York. Not any of the cities are anything special."
"I've never been. My family moved a few times but we've always lived in Maine. I think you'll like AstroValley. The town is pretty close. Everyone know everyone else and sometimes it seems like they know more about you then you know about yourself." He felt a little like he was talking to himself as he watched her pull out an MP3 player and connect ear-buds to it.
Marian help the player in her hand. If this guy was going to talk she wasn't about to stop him but most people didn't continue talking to her for very long so she was always getting ready for the awkward moment or the end of a conversation.
"Yeah well it isn't much to talk about. Even though Maine is farther north I hear the New York get more snow. The leaves still change. Both states have a capital that begins with A. New York is a bit bigger and named after a Duke in England. While no one is sure where Maine gets it's name. Maine has a lot more coastline and I hear there are some great lighthouses."
"You seem to know quite a bit about it. Did you study or something?"
"I like knowing things and looking up a comparison sheet isn't that hard."
"Well that is good to know! Ever seen any of the lighthouses?"
"No not yet. Mom promised to take us sometime after things setting down from the move. How about you?"
"Yeah we've been to a few on vacations. My brother and I enjoy the ocean and beaches. I've a book cataloging all the birds I've seen so far and the ones I hope to see. If you want I can show it to you some time."
"Sure. Sounds fun." Marian stuffed her music player back into the backpack letting it fall to the bottom.
The bus stopped outside the high school and the two joined the crowd as they exited. AstroValley High was a stone and white brick building built like a castle. It had extensive grounds. Most of which was maintained somewhat by the students, and both volunteer and hired help. It was magnificent. The  school was very academic in every way, sports, art, music, if there was a skill to be learned it could and would be taught in anyway possible.No one considered school easy here. The teachers required full attention and cooperation. They were strict and to the point.
Mrs. Leanna Defrost met the new students at the door. "Come this way," she said sweetly.
They followed her to the gym. As two teachers took pictures and put together photo I.D.'s, Mrs. Defrost got a bit frosty.
"Okay listen up. My name is Mrs. Defrost and I run a tight, clean, and neat school. There is no drinking. There is no smoking. There is no drugs on these or anywhere near these grounds." As she listed these she held up another finger. "Is that clear." She then held her three fingers to her ear as she inclined her head toward them.
"Yes, Mrs. Defrost." Marian was sure she heard someone call her frosty. She couldn't help but smile a little.
"Good all I ask is that you work hard and do your best. If you make my life easy yours’ will be a piece of cake. Stay within the rules. If you're unclear on what those are they are listed on boards throughout the building and you will be given one of these little pamphlets.” The pamphlets looks like the size of a second grade reader. Only worse because it was obvious that the typeface was probably a size eight or nine.
After you have your I.D.s you will find they give access to many of the features throughout the building. Rooms that need extra security have a scanner next to the door. These badges will need to be places under the scanner until the red light reflects off them. The door will open if you are permitted. If you are NOT permitted in a room the scanner will send me a message letting me know who and where.”
Her eyes narrowed to slits. It was the worst of evil eyes.
“As you can see these I.D.s are going to be very important to you. Do NOT lose them. Do NOT lend them out. Do NOT use them to let another student in a room.” Whenever she said not her voice would raise up a level or two. It was bad enough that the room echoed.
“Am I clear?”
“Yes, Mrs. Defrost.”
“Good because you do NOT want to have to come to me and tell me that I need to replace your badge. We are equipped with security cameras. I do NOT want to have to use them to spy on the honorable, respectable, and accountable students of AstroValley High. Any questions?”
A blond spiky haired kid wearing what looked to be eyeliner raised his hand. His hooded jacket opened revealing the black decal t-shirt underneath.
“What are behind the locked doors?”
Mrs. Defrost rolled her eyes. “You’ll find out if and when you need to know. As soon as you have your I.D. you dismissed. Oh, and it will tell you your locker and home room numbers.”
Marian and James got their cards and compared them. “These are pretty cool. We didn't have anything like this in the school I came from.”
“ I've heard about how tight Mrs. Defrost likes to keep things. She doesn't let anyone step out of line. Mom says most schools aren't like this but she said it doesn't hurt to have the extra security these days.”
“I don’t know. It is kind of cool and a little weird. I feel like I’m in a posh private school or off to a spy camp of something. What is your home room?”
James studied his laminated card for a moment as the walked down the hall. “Room 7B and my locker 805. What’s yours?”
“Same room!”
They laughed and walked to the lockers. Marian sorted through her bag until she pulled out a lock. “I’m only two up from you, 803.”
“You really think you need a lock?”
“My brother said it was important when he was going to high school but then things were different. Well like your mom says the extra security can’t hurt.”
“You have a brother too?”
“Yeah but we are pretty far apart in age and aren't really getting along right now.” Marian grab a notebook and two pens from her backpack before shoving the rest of it in the locker and closing it up. “So do we go to home room first?”
“Yeah I think that is the way it works. My brother was going to show me around but he’s a little ...umm distracted.”
They finally found their room just before the bell. Their the teacher gave them their schedules for the classes they’d been assigned. These were taped to the inside front of their notebooks using the tape they passed around the large wood rectangle table.
“So my name is Mr. McKary and I am your home room teacher. I’ll be here to make sure you all behave. Okay let’s be honest.” He shrunk his voice down to mock a whisper. “I’m really here to grade your real teacher’s papers.” He brought his voice back up to normal after his students quite chuckling. “However it also means this room will be supervised. I’ll know what you're doing and I’ll know if you’re cheating. So keep that in mind. Alright! Now for the good stuff.” He rubbed his hands together. “I’ll be showing you around since you're all the ‘new’ students. So come along.”
When Marian was done she wasn't sure she’d be able to remember it all even if they had provided her with a detailed map. The place was enormous. It was so neat to look at everything because most of the grounds and building was kept to look historically accurate. The only things that were new looking were things like the swimming pool and most of the other sports related things. As were also the science labs and areas. The school had spared no expense. Apparently the school was founded by someone from the 1800s and after several generations a lot of money was donated to the school by one of the ancestors. According to Mr. McKary there were stipulations to be kept in the use of this money, which, according to the teacher, didn't always please the school board.
James was familiar with some of the sporting areas. His brother was part of the swim team and a basketball player and had joined the volleyball team. There was only one sport James wanted to be a part of and that was baseball. As much as he liked bird watching and all things nature related he loved the game of ball. When they were at the diamond he took in a deep breath. He found the smell intoxicating. The only thing he wanted to do at that moment was walk out to the mound. However the group moved on and he didn’t get his chance.
Back in the school the home room teacher sent them to their regular classes. “I guess we have given enough of your teachers an afternoon break. Make sure you take all you stuff with you. This room will be used by another group when you're not here. So unless you don’t mind someone using, stealing, or chewing on your pen don’t leave it behind. Have a great class!”
Out in the hall James and Marian bumped into each other or maybe they just met up because it was a new place. James was the only person Marian had met before.
“Where is your first class?”
“I’m in English Lit. You?”
“I have Algebra 1. Then I have English Lit. Maybe we’ll pass in the hall again.”
Marian laughed. It was the first time in a while she’d actually felt happy.
James couldn't help but notice the change. Maybe she was just shy? At least until she got to know you.

State Comparison

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